I'm very sorry that you're here, but also, I'm happy to see that you're actively seeking support through your loss. My name is Angela, and I'm a remarried widow, momma of 3, and a trauma informed dating + relationship & grief coach for widows & divorcees.
In February of 2019, my 41 year old husband Patrick was shot while driving home from work, leaving me a young widow with a 2 year old daughter and 6 month old son to raise. Its been almost 5 years since he died, and in those 5 years, I've experienced everything from the darkest lows that I thought I might not survive, to this newer, lighter place where I'm finding peace and joy again. By learning how to really be with my grief and hold myself with compassion as I move through this process, I'm finding that life can and really does get to be beautiful again after loss. Twice now I've had to pick myself up from the ashes and start a new life all over again after the traumatic loss of a forever partner. Prior to Pat, at age 25, I was stood up by my fiance right before our wedding. That experience completely devastated me, and turned my whole life upside down. Having to meet myself at the deepest soul level after both these losses and rebuild my life from the ashes, not once, but twice, and finding a forever love again, not once, but twice, has taught me that no matter what, there is always hope. That there is still so much to live for. To try to keep our hearts open and curious in the presence of grief and trust in the Divine unfolding of our lives.
I've been married to Steve for 3 years now, together for 4, and we recently welcomed our baby girl into the world, completing our little family of 5. He is the most incredible man, husband, father and human ever, and it wasn't just "good luck" or a "happy coincidence" that he came into my life. It took work, intention, practice and skill. The way I cared for & cultivated myself after loss (and how I continue to do so) is what brought us together (and keeps us together and thriving). This chapter of my life is the best one yet, which is weird to say after what I've had to endure to get here, but it is. And while it may be hard to imagine such a thing for yourself right now, I can assure you, that should you desire it, your next love story has the potential to be the best story yet. Why? Because you have grown and changed so much from this experience. Grief challenges us and stretches us to grow in every way possible, making us better, more compassionate + inspired + purposeful + grateful humans and lovers. If you're ready or curious about calling in your person for this new season of life, I would love to help guide you on that journey.
RISE in Love After Loss, is my 12 week, 6 module program designed for the widow or divorcee who is ready to find, or curious about finding, love again after loss. These are the real practices, tools and rituals I utilize as a dating (and now remarried) widow to:
- Help me process my grief while simultaneously staying open to love
- Heal my nervous system so I can feel safe enough in my body to give & receive love & pleasure
- Cultivate a deeper sense of self love, confidence and wholeness so that I am operating from the fullness of desire rather than the lack of neediness.
Through practices like gentle somatics, sound healing, yoga, sensual dance, tantra, meditation & breath work (recorded and live) we will work to get you out of your head and into your body where the deeper healing takes place.
Some of the areas explored in the 6 modules will be:
- The Widow's Relationship Principles Guidebook
- Nervous System Regulation
- Mindset Training & Rewriting Limiting Beliefs
- Inner child reparenting, attachment theory & shadow work
- Grief and rage rituals
- Sensual dance, Self expression + self pleasure practices
- Tantra & yoga philosophy
- Manifestation ritual for partnership
Our 12 weeks together will also include:
- 6 Biweekly Live calls for connection, coaching, and live guided practices
- Lifetime access to all course material
- 24 hr access to/support on our program's Telegram chat
- Tons of prerecorded classes and practices to help support your healing
Doors open early '24! Sign up to get on the waitlist.
Wishing you much peace, love & healing through the Holiday Season Friend,
xo, Angela